My Website

I hope everyone is doing ok. 🙂 I know I haven’t been on much. I have been taking on other endeavors. I created my own website which features original poetry, a short story, and some sermons that I did. I hope this will inspire and if you are interested, I invite you to check it out here: Also, I’m accepting donations to help support my friend Stephanie, who is undergoing breast cancer treatments. If you like to find out more, click here: All the donations will go towards her treatments. You can donate through PayPal.






Like ribbons of sound waves

That echo in your mind

Vibrations of noise resonate with me


Sight is a beautiful display of colors and shapes

Do you see the color red as I do?

I’ll never know if you see the tone as I do


I am aware of many textures around me

From the lumpy dirt to the soft sand

Or the sun on my skin or the cool snow


I smell the goodness around me

Roses and warm apple pie

They excite the receptors


I can taste the ice cream cones

As I get to the tasty chocolate end of the cone

These senses are unique and serve a purpose

(C) Carly Wiggins 2020


Broken Universe


Father, I need your glory

I am in a broken universe

Amidst an evil force

It wants us to feel unloved 

May we walk with people

In their despair 

Instead of giving them crutches

For their headache 

And saying I love you bunches


We are scared of others brokenness 

Because it reminds us of ours

Do you have compassion for the one under bars?

Truth sets us free like owning our ache

You’re the final piece to someone’s heart break

(C) Carly Wiggins 2020 

Heaven is Still Unwritten


Heaven… still unwritten 

Beauty beyond description 

Angels… singing praises

Catching the Father’s gaze


Forever, forever, forever

I truly cannot wait

Now I surrender, surrender


Dreams… coming alive

No reason to strive 

Crystal sea.. take a drink

It’s closer than you think


Forever, forever, forever

I truly cannot wait

Now I surrender, surrender


Sin… no more

A hope you are looking for 

Seeing Jesus… face to face

Removing all earthly disgrace


Forever, forever, forever

I truly cannot wait

Now I surrender, surrender


Endless life…with no end 

Eons of a timeless Friend

Friendships… Never ceases

As eternal love increases


(C) Carly Wiggins 2020

Mother Nature Musing

Snow Vt yay edits

As I stroll over to the orchard bench, I notice sunlight setting on a hill nearby. It creates a shadow with a red rue. It’s a subtle beauty. It briefly reminds me to forget all my recent unfortunate occurrences. The cascading shadow is a promise taking shape — lights, and shadows are blending in harmony. As humans, we get stuck on the little things that no longer serve us. The times we get stuck in traffic, deadlines we have to make, being sick and receiving an unfortunate prognosis, we forgot to look inward instead of outward. The external beauty of nature reminds me to look internally. Nature is like medicine to let go of past regret and shame to see life as it truly is.

We may be late to work because of traffic but if we always try our best to be on time, does it really matter in the scheme of things? If our boss doesn’t understand that it was because of traffic, then don’t take it personally, but look at that hill in the orchard with that cascading shadow and life will make more sense. We are the neurotic ones living with Mother Nature, who sustains more balance and flexibility than we give it credit.

I can struggle with inflexibility to changes to my routine. I like change if it’s an exciting change that I have been through before. But unexpected and dubious change is the worst. One time, I flew and there was a two-hour layover to my connecting flight. After two hours we were told we had to change planes so there was another hour delay. Flying, waiting, and getting home late isn’t something I enjoy. Like anyone, I just want to get there. I am just more anxious about the delays than someone who is more chill with the unknown.

However, nature changes seasons without a second thought. From fall to winter to spring to summer. It doesn’t willfully decide to say fall is almost over; we aren’t going to change to winter and cover the ground with snow. No, the temperatures drop, and the rain turns to snow. It is a beautiful event to witness — nature at its best.

The ground encloses with sheets of snow, purifying and, however, dissonant to those who stand in its way. Mother Nature only plays one game, and that is the game of “keep up with me.” But if you play her game, you’ll be surely blessed. We have seen what happens when we don’t play along. I believe God and Mother Nature go hand in hand.

But Mother Nature and humanity will be restored to its original intention and beauty (even though it is still beautiful) when God creates a new Earth. For the Bible says in Romans 8:18-21, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God” (NIV).

Summer Rain Love

summer rain 2

The summer rain

Bringing in the heat

Showering the plants and flowers

But I could stay on this patio for hours

Looking into your eyes

You are my summer rain love


You are refreshing my soul

Like the Word of God

With your rejuvenating soul

Your presence makes me whole

I smell the crisp vegetation bloom

After you “rained”  in my heart

(C) Carly Wiggins 2020



How Can I?


I ask if you love them
You say, “How can I?”
“I am only human”
But we are called to a higher place
To love everyone

I ask if you felt whole by them
You say, “How can I?”
They always get under someone’s skin
But we are to look into our own eyes
And pull out the planks

People change like every season
Broken promises like leaves
Fall like Mother Nature teasin’
We crush them with our feet
And walk forward

Where’s peace and justice?
I am not really sure
I just see evil persist
But when the leaves fall
They will return to the Earth

(C) Carly Wiggins 2019